Sixers Are NBA Finals Ready!!

Sixers Are NBA Finals Ready!!

With Embid leading the Mvp race, Maxey becoming a flashing 3rd scorer in addition of superstar James Harden, the Sixers are ready. Yes, the lost a 3 point scorer in curry but consitency and mental toughness just wasnt there. Bum Simmons, finally gone and a breath of fresh air has hit the city. Playing the Nets in the playoffs or seeing who goes deeper this year, will tell who really had the upper hand in the trade but I’m sure Embid is full of joy. Hopefully we can get rid of Harris, or maybe boost him to play to his potential because he also has been a bust and robbing the bank with his minimum output.

I would have preferred keeping atleast one of those draft picks but for a defensive liabilty in curry, and lost in 50/50 big man Drummond, a motivated James Harden is easily the upperhand on the pick. The nets gain a solid addition on the bench, plus a potential starter in Drummond. It does also open up more shots for the Nets shooters to take more shots but the defense will be the difference.

But the Sixers have two players who can score 50 any given night this is the best the team has been since the Iverson era.

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