St. Basil Is A Must Add To Your Playlist Indulge In The Essence of Hip-Hop

St. Basil Is A Must Add To Your Playlist Indulge In The Essence of Hip-Hop

St. Basil is a Hip-hop artist from the great city of Philadelphia. This honorable emcee was originally a member of the group Byzantine Kings, but is now releasingprojects as a solo artist. St. Basil was listed by and Shade 45’s “World Famous Wake Up Show” as one of the top 75 Independent and Underground Artist in 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2018. He is also a 3 time winner of the Underground Music Awards for “Song of the Year”, as well as the Philadelphia Hip -hop Award winning “Lyricist of the Year”. St. Basil has released several solo and group mixtapes but in 2021 he released another EP “My Colorful World 2”. The creative lyricism and gritty cautionary tales are a signature sound that makes St.Basil worthy of your attention.

Not only is St. Basil intouch with the sound and essence of Hip-hop, he also embraces the new era and new sound of Hip-hop and continues to do his role in bridging the gap. Artist who look to uplift on and off the record are rare these days due to the never ending race of how many guns and chains we can buy being the main focus of the “Main Stream”. Educating his fans and supporters with the truth and uplifting lyrics but at the sametime being able to display the harsh truth of life. Even the name itself is monumental once you dive down the rabbit hole of truth. St. Basil is a much needed add to your playlist.



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