Live Stream: Confessions Of A Killer

Live Stream: Confessions Of A Killer
  1. On Saturday December 11th, while most people are  trying to get last minute gifts for loved ones. A terrible tragedy took place, snd spanned across two gruesome crime scenes. Rajaee Shareef Black (44) confessed on Facebook live to the fatal shooting of ex-girlfriend Tara Labang(41) in the 1500 block of Marshall st. In south Baltimore. During the chilling video, Black talks about how he is going thru custody battles with Labang and ex-wife Wendy Natalie Black(42). Towards the end of yhe video, Black says that he cannot go to prison, he also blames his ex-wife(Wendy Natalie Black) for starting his depression.
Rajaee Shareef Black

In an instant, Black’s ex-wife pops up in the doorway of her Kings Contrivance apartment. Black’s attention quickly Interrupted as he uttered “Oh, there’s my ex-wife right now”. Right before the video cuts off, one last phrase from Black sends a chilling reminder of the careless intent on Black’s behalf. “Today is the day “! Was the last words of the killer before the video shuts off. When Howard County Police arrived, they found Wendy and Rajaee Black deceased. The Blacks two young children were found in their father’s grey BMW truck in the parking lot of the apartment complex.


This article gave me chills, people can and do go thru depression but to take the lives of your children’s mothers is selfish and cowardly. Not saying that the women where 100% right, Black’s history and domestic disputes with both Wendy and Tara doesn’t help his case. I am a big believer in just leaving bad energy where it is and moving on. There have been similar killings like this in 2021, but none seemed so premeditated and also broadcasted like said murder-suicide.The calm in his voice, all the while contemplating his next kill. Then to top it off having his kids not far away in his vehicle? This was not just a cowardly act done on Facebook. This was a Facebook live confession of a killer!


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