Oh It’s Ladies Night!

Oh It’s Ladies Night!
Baltimore Female Cypher January 1st, 2022


Whew! missed my Wednesday blog, but I had to wait for confirmation on this announcement. Listen up, If your in the Baltimore metropolitan area on January 1st, 2022​, then this event is for you! An all female cypher showcasing some of the dopest ladies on the Baltimore hip hop circuit. I’m not saying this event is the first of its kind, but this cypher feels different in magnitude.

Critique Empire LLC Showroom will host the cypher


I personally can’t wait for this cypher, and I’m not just saying that because I’m media. The ladies have been killing the game, and I cannot think of a better way to show off! In the coming weeks I look to interview some of the ladies involved, and give my readers a intimate look into said artists.

Baltimore Bree

Artist like Baltimore Bree, DRD ( Baltimore Bastard) will be performing live at Mz. Critique Showroom in west Baltimore. The sounds will be provided by the highly sought after Dj Duke and powered by Jazzee B LLC. This event will be nothing short of epic. The lady emcees will have a platform all their own, and have the full attention of everyone in attendance. Some of the lady emcees are pictured in the gallery below, hope to see you there!

DRD (Baltimore Bastard)



Jazzee B
Da Bipper
PT The Queen

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