What’s Been Trending Since Covid?

What’s Been Trending Since Covid?

When 2020 came around, people did not know what to expect. The dawn of a new decade was set in motion. Who knew that our lives would change forever, jam smacked into a worldwide pandemic, life became realer than real. Many of our favorite past times like going to concerts, eating at our favorite restaurants, catching a good movie or even just a walk in the park became a life or death decision.

Some artists pushed through and gave us new music, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu and HBO Max became the new way to stream and watch the latest movies; even though some movies that were anticipated were either halted and cancelled altogether due to the pandemic.

It’s kind of hard to say, what they new trends of the decade have been thus far. Tik Tok really exploded making way for up and coming talented artists, choreographers, and writers to create all types of challenges which spread like wild fires due to everyone’s boredom. Even the way we consumed music was different, the big streaming services like Apple, Spotify and Tidal had to gage audiences with top notch quality content.  Entertainers were losing money and companies had to be creative on the fly and continue to try and produce at a high level.

Cancel culture has also been a brewing topic. Not only did 2020 bring a worldwide pandemic but it also brought social justice issues front and center once again. With the deaths of Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor the Black Lives Matter movement was in full effect. It became a thing to protest and fight back, whether people did it for IG likes or not people were stepping up. Hopefully, it we be an ongoing fight not just when things are actively going on, the battle is on-going.

Of course there has been the big debate to vaccinate or to not vaccinate, which has really created division amongst many communities. From being federally mandated to get it in order to keep your job, vaccines now being offered to children, or being tested weekly the conversation continues to heighten. People feel that they should have the right to make their own informed decisions about their health. But with many places such as restaurants, concert venues and some movie theaters; you have to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test.  This is the new normal and who would have thought moving into 2022, that this would still be a thing. However, the biggest trend of all of this has been the face mask!!

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